mobile application shielding software

    What is mobile app shielding?

    Application shielding protects iOS and Android mobile apps from reverse engineering, tampering, and other threats.

    Mobile application shielding for Android and iOS

    Mobile application shielding for Android & iOS

    Techniques like hardening application code through obfuscation and encryption make it close to impossible to decompile applications and analyze their source code. Runtime application self protection (RASP) functionality can shield apps from dynamic analysis at runtime.

    App shielding can be used for mobile applications across all industries, including financial services, healthcare, retail, gaming and more. In addition, application shielding can help meet international regulatory requirements, including compliance requirements like PCI and more.

    High-risk vulnerabilities were found in 38% of iOS apps & 43% of Android apps.

    Source: Positive Technologies

    Threat monitoring

    Why is mobile app shielding important?

    Mobile application security threats are on the rise. According to Verizon’s 2020 Mobile Security Index, 43 percent of organizations admitted to sacrificing mobile security in the past year, and those that did were twice as likely to experience a compromise. Hackers actively seek out vulnerable mobile applications for reverse engineering and tampering and often use them to launch larger or more sophisticated attacks. 

    Mobile application shielding can protect your apps against tampering and misuse that could result in; unauthorized access, malicious code injections, credential theft, app cloning, IP theft, broader system attacks, and more.

    Supported Technologies

    What makes Guardsquare different

    What makes Guardsquare different?

    Guardsquare’s mobile application shielding solutions defend against the full spectrum of mobile app attacks. DexGuard for Android and iXGuard for iOS layer both static and dynamic app protection. 

    • Static protection prevents hackers from decoding sensitive parts of the application(such as API keys or credentials) and protects code and data at rest. This is also known as code hardening.

    • Dynamic protection defends apps against analysis at runtime and live attacks. This is also known as runtime application self-protection (RASP).

    Combining code hardening techniques such as code obfuscation and encryption with RASP can help you remain both protected and compliant with the latest regulations.

    Shield your iOS & Android
    apps with Guardsquare

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